
All the benefits of a process consultant.
No headaches. No time wasted. No excuses.

If you don't have systems that work without you, then you don't have a business... you have a job.

Join the top small business owners waiting for the only tool on the market
built from the ground up to make your company better, faster.

Everyone wants a playbook...

...even if they don't know it yet.Maybe you don't feel like you have as firm a hand on your business operations as you'd like.Maybe you're looking to grow the business, but the idea of training new team members gives you heartburn.Maybe you're looking to take a step back from the day-to-day, but you know there's no one who can do what you do right now.Or maybe you're looking to sell and want your business to outshine all others on the market.An Operations Playbook is what you need. Everything about who does what and how, and where to find what you need, right at your fingertips. New team members learn the ropes quickly, investors or buyers can see the business works like a well-oiled machine, and a general manager can keep it all going smoothly so you can focus on the bigger picture.But it takes time to build that Playbook. Up until now there have been two ways to get after it:

  • If the business is small enough, you could write the book yourself, but that’s hours of time not working on the business and, realistically, is likely going to take a backseat to the today needs of the business.

  • For a larger business, you'd have to turn over the writing to each person responsible for the process, but then the Playbook won’t be standardized, the pieces won't connect, and keeping it up-to-date becomes an exercise in herding cats.

This is why an owner would hire a business process consultant. Someone else to pull it together, pretty it up, and hand it off with a bow.There's downside though. Big ones.An independent consultant might run you the very modest rate of $150/hr. They'll sit down with your team, interview them at length about the process steps, the tools they use, key metrics, etc. At an estimated 4 hours of work for a medium-complexity process, you’re looking at a baseline of $600 per process. This quickly adds up if you’re trying to get a handle on the whole business.Say your hiring process has a handful of sub-processes (identifying a need, posting the job listing, interviews & background checks, onboarding paperwork). Now just to write the hiring section of your Playbook, you're paying this consultant at least $2,400. Do that again for your accounting processes. And your client-work processes. And your inventory management processes. And so on, and so on.Now there's a conflict of incentives between you and the consultant. If every new business function is costing you a couple thousand, are you still motivated to document everything? Or is each new section a little stab of pain as you watch the clock tick and the dollars drip away as the consultant gives you his opinion on what your business is doing wrong?But Quaestor can help.We are building a web application that will work just the same as business process consultant in an interview, will coach your team members through the documentation of their work, and will turn out a product that will let you see a holistic, connected view of your business’ processes, people, and technology at work, allowing you to create on-demand playbooks, manuals, and SOPs for any business area, role, process, or technology in your company.Join us in kicking off the real-world, real-people, real-business revolution.



Design mock-up of the org chart explorer.

We're hard at work building the perfect tool to help you get control of your business. We'll continue to update this page with more screenshots and demos as they're developed.In the meantime, join the waitlist and let us know you're curious about the next update! We'll let you know when it's out.

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